Nurture Disciples of Jesus
The future of The Salvation Army depends on nurturing current and future generations of Christian disciples
Filled by the Holy Spirit, these disciples share the good news of Jesus, resulting in more disciples. Like athletes, Christian disciples need to practise staying fit for God’s demanding mission. Habits such as prayer, Bible reading, corporate worship, music, tithing and helping others are vital. Being a disciple of Jesus and experiencing the blessing of holiness is the way to experience fullness of life.
See the latest resources, stories and events that focus on this mission priority.
A call to covenant
The newly named Covenant Sunday (9 January) will help corps and centres explore the theme of ‘Being Together, Living in God’s Covenant’ based on Matthew 22:34-40. Covenant cards and resources can help you unpack the theme with your congregation.

Covenant Sunday 2022
Being Together - Living in God's Covenant
Discipling children and youth

Cell Outlines
Compelling Bible resources for ages 12 - 25. The current material is specially adapted for engaging with your group online.

Explore It
New discipleship material for online children’s groups. This will help your group to interact, grow and have fun together.

A healthy approach to boys' wellbeing, Upbeat helps 13-16 year old young men develop their emotional literacy.

The All Terrain Podcast
In this brand new podcast we speak to a range of special guests who reflect on their life and share their wisdom with us.
Discipling musicians of all ages
Discipling women

Weekly resources for mid-week groups. Latest Sessions: 2022 resources for Helping-Hand, January, February and March.

The W Course
A flexible discipleship course series designed for women of all ages and stages of life.
Discipling older people
For further information contact olderpeoplesministries@salvationarmy.org.uk.
Research and Development - 'Nurturing disciples' success story
From the Development aspect, the team have recently helped to bring to fruition a new collaborative SATCoL Donation Centre with a self-contained mission and worship space for Chesterfield Corps, after 15 years without their own space. The flexible, open and inclusive designs will hopefully help meet the needs of the local community and offer important overlap between both these ministries.

Other Mission Priorities

Share the Good News
At the heart of The Salvation Army’s mission is a passion to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ far and wide.

Care for Creation
The Salvation Army is committed to helping change attitudes, resulting in a more responsible use of our planet.

Serve Others Without Discrimination
The Salvation Army responds to people without discrimination. God calls us to be with the people we serve.

Seek Justice and Reconciliation
People can experience a fuller life while we are on Earth – we don’t have to wait until we die. God longs for justice for all people.