Support for everyone

Family Ministries Unit promotes a God given understanding of Family, recognising that everyone has value, belongs to the Family of God and that we have a responsibility to love one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.
We believe that every human being is created in the image of God and deserves respect regardless of age, disability, gender, relationship status, sexuality, race, religion and belief
Our programmes and resources are designed to create an inter-generational culture, offering a wide range of ideas and support.
- Connect Plus: Intergenerational resource.
- Dedication and Thanksgiving Resource
- Parenting for Faith
- Faith @ Home Integrate faith into everyday life
- Family Ministries calendar Salvation Army calendars available to purchase
- Helping Hand Fundraising projects helping those in developing nations
- Messy Church - Fun and creativity in church

Support for adults
Providing support for men’s and women’s ministry programmes

Support for children
Providing resources and support for children with their parents and carers

Review our resources providing support for all the family.

Family Ministry Values
Family ministry values, support and care