Survivor Support Service

The Salvation Army delivers a mentoring programme through our Survivor Support Service.

The mentoring programme aims to support people on their journey from victim to survivor.  Mentors help to model healthy community with a structured relationship, modelling how to establish goals, giving practical support, advice, signposting and helping to celebrate successes.  Survivors can participate in the 12-month mentoring programme.

The Survivor Support Service gives individuals continuity of support as they move towards recovery and independence. Through mentoring, we support them on their journey to sustained freedom.

The mentoring programme supports adult survivors with a positive reasonable grounds or positive conclusive grounds decision and can be referred by any professional (case worker, GP etc) and a basic understanding of English language. If you are supporting a survivor of modern slavery and they are interested in participating in our Mentoring Programme, please get in touch to find out if we have mentors in your local area:



What else do we do in the community?

Find out

Modern slavery latest reports

Read our annual reports on how we've supported survivors of modern slavery

Global response

Find out more about our work to stop human trafficking at the source globally

Survivors Support Fund

Providing additional support to survivors and help for an independent life

Modern slavery

We have been combatting slavery and supporting survivors of this horrendous crime since our earliest days, but what is modern slavery and how can we spot the signs in our own community?