Global response
Modern Slavery is a global problem, which needs a global response.
A specialist international team sits within The Salvation Army’s Anti Trafficking and Modern Slavery department in the UK and Republic of Ireland. They focus on supporting countries where communities are vulnerable to trafficking.
The Salvation Army is present in 134 countries and has made responding to modern slavery and human trafficking a global priority, building on a long history of working against this injustice. From the UK we partner with countries across Africa, Europe, Latin America, South Asia, South Pacific and East Asia on a range of programmes to help them engage, be encouraged, and equipped to respond to trafficking.
In addition to specific projects, we are supporting the development of communities of practice in regions around the world which will improve communication, learning and our global response to trafficking. These communities of practice engage our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Response National Contact Persons.
Anti Human Trafficking Prevention and Protection Programme in Uganda:
The Salvation Army Uganda Territory are currently implementing a project that focuses on awareness raising, strengthening community structures, and supporting survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking. The project is focused on ‘hotspot’ areas where human trafficking activities are highly prevalent within communities on the border with Kenya and where young people are particularly vulnerable.
The project supports community champions to help raise awareness locally and mobilise communities to respond creatively to the risks of trafficking. Clinton, a young person involved in a community group formed by young people, shares his story of being trafficked and finding independence after leaving a situation where he was exploited.
Beyond: International Support for Survivors of Human Trafficking
Our Beyond Programme provides international support for survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking. Through case work it helps survivors in the UK wishing to return to their home country to reintegrate safely and with support.
It also provides support to their family members when separated by borders. The Beyond team work together with our international Salvation Army Network to coordinate appropriate support or signposting.
Some of the international support we offer includes:
- Providing information on support services to survivors who may be thinking about returning
- Connecting a survivor with support in their home country if they have recently returned
- Providing welfare checks on family members of survivors who are living in other countries
- Coordinating repatriation and reintegration support when a survivor returns
Helping Hand Appeal

Modern slavery
We have been combatting slavery and supporting survivors of this horrendous crime since our earliest days, but what is modern slavery and how can we spot the signs in our own community?

International Development
Supporting communities around the world to overcome poverty and injustice

Working through prevention, protection and partnership to tackle human trafficking and support survivors.

Helping-Hand Appeal
Join together to support The Salvation Army's international projects.