Women and Girls is one of The Salvation Army International Development UK's five areas of work.
We are working with women around the world to ensure they have equal access to rights and opportunities, and the freedom to flourish.
The Salvation Army in the United Kingdom and Ireland territory currently supports projects for Women and Girls in Bangladesh and South Africa.

Each year, the global 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is a key moment in which individuals, communities and organisations call for an end to violence against women and girls. It begins on 25 November with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and runs until 10 December which marks Human Rights Day.
In 2023, the 16 Days of Activism coincided with the Pacific Games hosted by Solomon Islands. Statistically, occurrences of sexual violence and human trafficking increase significantly during international sporting events. The Salvation Army therefore recognised both the unique opportunity to reach a large audience - with thousands of international visitors expected in Honiara - and people’s increased vulnerability to exploitation.
The Salvation Army Solomon Islands organised a campaign to embrace the opportunities and target the vulnerabilities presented during this large-scale event. They worked alongside 16 communities in Burns Creek Settlement as they already had a strong presence in this area, and it is in close proximity to the sports stadiums.
Volunteers from Honiara Corps and local NGO, Hope Trust, received training in The Salvation Army Child Protection Policy, Trauma Informed Care, and the A21 Early Childhood Prevention Program. The campaign utilised A21 resources which focused on teaching children to identify safe and unsafe people and distinguish between safe and unsafe touch through interactive stories and activities.
The programme was well attended and highly valued by all the communities, evoking confronting stories of vulnerability and abuse, while facilitating encouraging moments of empowerment, as the participants applied the lessons to their context.
Comments from volunteers included:
“The 16 Days of Activism program is a great opportunity to raise and highlight gender-based violence in the community setting, involving the leaders and community in the conversations while enabling and empowering the community to look within and identify solutions and responses to mitigate the risk to the female members of the community.”
“...I learned lots from the children. It was good to discuss with them in groups about the safe people that they can identify. I really appreciate this program.”
“The children now have the confidence to speak out.”
Areas of Work
We work alongside communities in the areas of Anti-Trafficking, Clean Water, Emergency Response, Food Security, and Women and Girls to support them to overcome poverty and injustice. We are also responsible for overseeing the transfer of funds for the UK’s Mission Support Allocation (money donated through the annual Self-Denial Appeal).

Working through prevention, protection and partnership to tackle human trafficking and support survivors.

Clean Water
Working alongside communities to improve access to clean water and improved sanitation.

Food Security
Working alongside communities to overcome food insecurity

Emergency Response
Responding to disasters and emergency situations to provide immediate support and relief.

International Development
Supporting communities around the world to overcome poverty and injustice

International Resources
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