Digital collections
We have digitised some of our collections so that you can access them from anywhere. Explore our digital collections using the links below.
Digital collections from the International Heritage Centre

Rare pamphlets
Digital copies of our rare pamphlets collection.

The Christian Mission
Digital copies of documents produced by the Christian Mission

The Darkest England Gazette
The Darkest England Gazette was a weekly publication issued by The Salvation Army between July 1893 and June 1894

The Officer
This page contains digitised copies of Staff Change lists from The Officer (renamed The Field Officer 1901-1913) periodical.

Early Salvation Army books
Digital copies of early Salvation Army books

The Salvation Army in Scotland
Lieut-Colonel David Armistead's account of The Salvation Army’s first 125 years in Scotland

Margaret Harkness
Read Margaret Harkness's novel about The Salvation Army's work in the First World War
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International Heritage Centre resources
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William Booth Birthplace Museum
Visit the birthplace of our founder, William Booth, and learn more about his life.

International Heritage Centre
Telling the story of The Salvation Army from its origins in the 1860s to today.