Exploring Leadership

This is a free event available to those aged 13+ wanting to explore spiritual leadership.
The day is made up of worship, a seminar for all, which is based on the theme for the year, individual seminars, tours of the college and lunch.
The purpose of Exploring Leadership Day is to do just what the title says: to help people explore different areas of leadership in its various forms.
The day provides insight into different types of leadership, the space to reflect on what God is saying and the time to respond to that.
The individual seminars may include Leading a Team, Leading Worship, Leadership for the Long Haul, Leadership in the Workplace, Pioneer Ministry, Social Justice, etc.
There is also a children’s programme for those aged 5+ and nursery provision for children aged between 6 months and 4 years.
To find out more, please contact:
Email: exploringleadershipday@salvationarmy.org.uk
Phone: 020 7326 2820.

Courses at William Booth College
View our courses, Exploring Leadership, Design for Life, and Open Learning, to help you get more from your faith.

About William Booth College
The site of The Salvation Army’s leadership and training programmes since 1929.

Candidates Unit
The Candidates Unit is here to serve all those who are exploring God's calling.

Contact William Booth College
Contact William Booth College to find out more about how you can get involved.