Commissioning 2021
The Messengers of Grace were commissioned as Salvation Army officers at William Booth College on Saturday 10 July, with the ceremony at 2pm and celebration at 6pm.
Watch Commissioning
What is Commissioning?
All officers are soldiers who have been called by God into leadership and service within The Salvation Army. This calling is tested through assessment, practical experience and reports from various sources, both inside and outside The Salvation Army.
Successful candidates follow a two-year residential training programme or a distance learning programme, to become a Salvation Army officer. At the conclusion of this training, a commissioning ceremony is held and new officers are appointed to a specific community and corps (church) or a social services appointment. For the next five years, there is continual learning and feedback.
Presentation of Cadets
During the two years of training, cadets are under the spiritual guidance of the Principal of William Booth College. The ‘Presentation of Cadets’ is simply the formality of releasing the cadets into the care and responsibility of the Territorial Commander.
The Salvation Army salute symbolically recognises that everything we do is because of who God is and what he has done for us. We give thanks to God for what he has done; it is never about us or what we do.
Declaration of Faith
The declaration of faith is the recital of the eleven doctrines – or key beliefs and teachings – of The Salvation Army. The doctrines explore and define our understanding of God, humanity and the developing relationship of the Christian life. They are unique to The Salvation Army, yet they share a common emphasis with other Christian traditions. They are the foundation of faith, providing a benchmark which helps us to interpret and judge experience in order that we might best live out our faith in our own context.

Events at William Booth College
Find out about upcoming events, including commissioning, at William Booth College

Candidates Unit
The Candidates Unit is here to serve all those who are exploring God's calling.

Officer and Territorial Envoy training
Train as a Salvation Army officer or Territorial Envoy at William Booth College.

William Booth College
Find out about William Booth College and training for The Salvation Army.