We are a welcoming, friendly, Christian church that provides care, support compassion and service in our community. As part of God's family, we share in Bible based teaching and prayer.
Where we are
Impington Lane
CB24 9LT
United Kingdom
Email address:
01223 236788

Georgina Symons

Rob Symons
52.2506273, 0.110674
Twenty four hours a day, every day of the year, The Salvation Army provide care and support to people in need. In fact it's what we've done for over 150 years. It is what we continue to do today and it's what we will go on doing whenever and wherever there is injustice and pain in the world.
We help people affected by disasters or financial troubles. We help people who are experiencing homelessness or escaping violence. We help people trapped in addiction or battling mental illness. We help anyone feeling hopeless. We are a community - a movement of people fighting injustice. Our donors and supporters- people like you - are as much a part of The Salvation Army as those working in our recovery centres or regional communities.
Together we offer unconditional love and support, without discrimination. The Salvation Army is committed to delivering innovative and progressive services that empower people beyond their circumstances. Our services are as diverse as the areas of need within the communities in which we live. Together, we can really and truly make a difference in the lives of many.
If you would like to support the mission and ministry of Histon Salvation Army including our Care & Share Shop and our work in and around the villages of Histon & Impington, we would warmly welcome your contribution via our JustGiving Fundraising Page.
Thank you for all your help and support. It is very much appreciated and together, we can really make a difference in the lives of many.

It is now even easier to support the work of Histon Salvation Army through the digital text giving platform Donr.
You can choose to make a one-off donation or make a monthly contribution, and can even register your donation for Gift Aid too.
To make a one off donation:
Text HISTON to 70085. This will make a default donation of £5.
Or you can choose to donate from £1 to £20 by texting:
HISTON 1 to 70085 to donate £1 or for example, HISTON 10 to 70085 to donate £10.

To make a monthly donation:
Text HISTONREG to 70085. This will make a default monthly donation of £5.
Or you can choose to donate from £1 to £20 by texting:
HISTONREG 1 to 70085 to donate £1 each month or for example, HISTONREG 10 to 70085 to donate £10 each month.
For more information, email histon@salvationarmy.org.uk or call 01223 236 788 or make a donation today. Opting out of monthly donations is available at any time.

You can also donate in store at our Care & Share Shop located at 11 High Street, Histon or at our Church Hall, located on Impington Lane, Impington.
Thank you as always for all your continued help and support. It is very much appreciated.
Kind regards and God Bless,
From all @ Histon Salvation Army.

Our Sunday Services are as follows:
10.30am Morning Worship
Followed by refreshments
We would be delighted to see you and welcome you to join with us. In the meantime, if there is anything we can assist with, do not hesitate to get in touch. We would be only too pleased to hear from you.

Christian faith during the week, when our doors are open to offer programmes and activities for the whole community.
Our week day programme is:
As announced Discipleship Groups
Baby & Toddler group (Seedlings) for 0-4's and their families.
Every Monday - 9.15am-11.15am (Term Time)
Play for the children and coffee, cake and chat for the adults.
£2 donation per family.
See our TicketSource to book your place, for more information please contact us.
Open Door (Warm Hub) If you need help or support, or would like someone to talk to, or simply want to pop in for a cuppa, you are most welcome every Monday (unless announced) from midday-2pm. If you are unsure as to whether we may be able to assist with any particular circumstances, do not hesitate to get in touch.
1.45pm - 3pm Connect Fellowship (New Members Welcome)
2pm - 3pm HI Forget-Me-Not Journey - Hi Friends (External Hall Hire)
See https://www.hifriends.org.uk/wellbeing/hi-forget-me-not/
7.30pm - 8.30pm Band Practice
As arranged with Bandmaster Learner Band Lessons
Woodcraft Folk - Chipmunk Elfins (External Hall Hire)
See Chipmunk Elfins (Cambridge, Eastern) | Woodcraft Folk
As announced Special Events
War Cry Most Thursday mornings, we can be seen selling the War Cry outside Tesco, Histon in the High Street from 10am-midday. So why not pop along, and pick up your copy.
For more information about the War Cry, visit The War Cry | The Salvation Army
7:30pm - 8:30pm Singing Group Practice
3rd Saturday 9.30am-11.30am Community Breakfast & Coffee Morning (Future Dates to be announced)
The Ladybird Play Group - Every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings (External Hall Hire)
See The Ladybird Play and Toddler Group – Learning through play (ladybirdplaygroup.co.uk)

Our opening hours are:
Monday-Friday - 9am-4pm
Saturday - 9.30am-12.30pm
If you wish to kindly donate items, we suggest phoning ahead on 01223 235 840 to ensure we are able to accept them and avoid disappointment and an unnecessary journey.
As always, thank you for all your continued help and support. It is very much appreciated and really helps to make a difference.
We very much look forward to seeing you soon.
All @ Histon Salvation Army Care & Share Shop

It is now even easier to support the work of Histon Salvation Army through the digital text giving platform Donr.
You can choose to make a one-off donation or make a monthly contribution, and can even register your donation for Gift Aid too.
To make a one off donation:
Text HISTON to 70085. This will make a default donation of £5.
Or you can choose to donate from £1 to £20 by texting:
HISTON 1 to 70085 to donate £1 or for example, HISTON 10 to 70085 to donate £10.

To make a monthly donation:
Text HISTONREG to 70085. This will make a default monthly donation of £5.
Or you can choose to donate from £1 to £20 by texting:
HISTONREG 1 to 70085 to donate £1 each month or for example, HISTONREG 10 to 70085 to donate £10 each month.
For more information, email histon@salvationarmy.org.uk or call 01223 236 788 or make a donation today. Opting out of monthly donations is available at any time.

You can also donate in store or at our Church Hall, located on Impington Lane, Impington.
Thank you as always for all your continued help and support. It is very much appreciated.
Kind regards and God Bless,
From all @ Histon Salvation Army.

As a Church The Salvation Army has been part of the local Histon and Impington community since 1896. For 125 years we have operated on the basis of the financial giving of our Church members and the generosity of the public. In fact 100% of the profits from our Charity Shop on the High Street are spent on our local work supporting local people. The existing Corps building was small and limited the programme The Salvation Army is able to provide on site.
Re-development works
Histon Salvation Army has recently undergone some major extension and refurbishment works. The previous one large roomed Hall has been extended to the rear to incorporate a second Hall providing opportunities for both new community and Christian faith based activities. The re-development works offer greater flexibility and creativity through the provision of the two rooms. A new working office also makes it easier for Corps Officers to be on site to offer Chaplaincy and Support Services. Works commenced in mid February 2020 and the works completed around May 2021.
What do the works include?
- A new extension to the rear of the existing building;
- The provision of new toilets and a new much larger kitchen;
- The refurbishment of the existing Church Hall;
- Significantly improved accessibility for disabled and wheelchair users;
- Bi-fold doors to the rear garden creating a unique indoor and outdoor space.
These improvements have also enabled the existing playgroup; 'Ladybirds', to enjoy their own space whilst the church continues to grow through community outreach programmes.
The construction of this project has comprised modern, innovative and technological design features that all fully comply with environmental, safe mission and fire safety guidelines.
Hiring Hall / Facilities
If you would like to enquire about hiring any of our facilities, whether for a one off event or for a regular booking, please email histon@salvationarmy.org.uk or by calling 01223 236 788. We would be delighted to discuss your requirements and see whether we can be of any assistance and welcome you into our building / premises.

It's so wonderful when the Body of Christ comes together. Here are Histon Salvation Army Band & Friends, visiting Bethlehem, at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Arbury.

Community Breakfast
Every 3rd Saturday - We'd love to see you.

Seedlings - Baby & Toddler Group
New Baby & Toddler group (Seedlings) for 0-4's and their families.
Every Monday - 9.15am-11.15am (Term Time)
Play for the children and coffee, cake and chat for the adults.
£2 donation per family.

Hire of Premises / Facilities
If you would be interested in hiring any of our facilities, please email histon@salvationarmy.org.uk or call 01223 233 492 to discuss your requirements, check availability and to confirm current licence fee charges / rates.
Currently our facilities are not available to hire for birthday parties however, for meetings, conferences, exhibitions and training events, when our halls our not in use, external hire may be considered. Our halls and garden also make the ideal venue for a retreat and quiet space, with the tranquil surroundings of The Village Green and Histon Brook close by and for opportunities to share in fellowship following a funeral.
If you would like to discuss whether your event could be held in either of our buildings / kitchen, do not hesitate to get in touch. We would be only too pleased to hear from you.

Histon Salvation Army Facebook page
Find out about our latest news on our Facebook page.