Not only because you need something, but because you have something to be thankful for.
Where we are
15 Roxeth Hill
United Kingdom
Email address:
0208 864 5142

Jo Simpson
51.5693509, -0.3457158
Christmas Present Appeal Update
A Massive Thank You!
We would like to thank all those who donated to our annual appeal, whether that be by donating gifts, making a financial contribution, sharing our Facebook page, helping to sort the toys or helping to distribute the gifts. Every single one of you made a difference to a child who might otherwise have not received a gift at Christmas.
We work closely with more than 6 local schools, mainly in South Harrow area, and other organisations to provide for those in need.
This Christmas just gone saw your generosity enable us to provide for gifts for over 650 children locally. We couldn't do what we do without your generosity and support, so THANK YOU!
In these challenging times we are still providing for our community, to make a donation please use the link below.
We want to lift your prayer requests before God. He loves it when we bring our joys, our sorrows and everything else to him. Every time we speak and listen to God through prayer, we are releasing his grace into the world.