Christmas Wellies Day

    Wednesday 06 Dec 2023



    Wednesday 06 Dec 2023



Join us for our first, exciting and fun Christmas Wellies Day!

Decorate and wear your Christmassy wellies to school on Wednesday 6th December, spread the holiday cheer and raise vital funds for the Salvation Army.

Pair of yellow wellies with tinsel

Get involved

🎨 Decorate wellies: Encourage students and teachers to get creative and decorate their wellies with festive designs. You can add tinsel, Christmas stickers or even hang Christmas baubles! Don't forget to share decorating tips and ideas.

🎉 Host wellies decorating event: Organise a fun welly decorating event within your school. It's a great way to bring students together for a festive activity. 

📣 Spread the word: Encourage the school community to spread the word. Share #WelliesDay on social media! 

💰 Set up your donation page: Support the Salvation Army cause by setting up your school's JustGiving page. Your contribution will directly impact those in need.

Other helpful resources

Fundraising tips and ideas

We've shared our top tips for making the most of your fundraising event.

Easter Card Competition

Calling kids of all ages to get involved this Easter for our card competition!

How to pay in your fundraising

Thanks for raising funds to support us. Here’s how to make pay in your sponsorship.