Worshipping together during Holy Week

published on 8 Apr 2020

Valerie on YouTube

The church in Coventry have engaged together through an ‘online café’ page on Facebook which currently has 71 members. The group have opportunities to join in themed activities including ‘Thankful Thursday’ and creating their own ‘desert island discs’ playlists, all of which has enabled them to find out more about each other.

One of the members has started putting daily anagrams on the page in the form of a well-known hymn, band piece or songster song which the members try and solve as quickly as they can. This has gone down particularly well with the older members of the group who have lots of spare time on their hands. 

All these things help the church to feel connected and allow interaction and talking together. Church leaders streamed the Palm Sunday service from their You Tube channel and shared on Facebook while CDs of the services are delivered to those people who do not have access to the internet. 

Members of the corps have also met on ‘Zoom’ after the morning service to enjoy ‘face to face’ time with each other and record or sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to any children who have a birthday the following week. 

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