New Report Shows No Sign Of Slow Down In Modern Slavery Victims Seeking Help From The Salvation Army
published on 16 Oct 2017
More than 300 per cent increase in number of modern slavery victim referrals over six year period 2016/17 figures show 48 per cent of victims trafficked for sexual exploitation; 39 per cent for labour exploitation; 13 per cent for domestic servitude; one individual trafficked for organ removal Number of source countries from which victims trafficked more than double since 2011
Download the report here.
A new report today reveals continued growth in victims of modern slavery requiring support from The Salvation Army. It highlights that 1,554 people have been referred to the organisation between July 2016 and June 2017. This is more than a 300 percent increase since 2011/12 (378) – the first year when The Salvation Army started running the Government contract for victim support.
The report outlines key data gathered during the sixth year of The Salvation Army’s Government contract through which it has managed the delivery of all specialist support services to adult victims of modern slavery and their dependents identified in England and Wales since July 2011.
With no sign of a slow-down in demand for the dedicated service, which The Salvation Army and its partners provide to people at the start of their journey to recovery, a total of 5,868 people have been supported between July 2011 and June 2017.
The report identifies trends in the development of modern slavery in the UK, such as the breakdown in types of exploitation. This year 48 per cent (741 people) of those referred to The Salvation Army had been trafficked for sexual exploitation, 39 per cent (606 people) for labour exploitation, and 13 per cent (195 people) for domestic servitude. As last year, one individual had been trafficked for organ removal. Overwhelmingly, the largest proportion of victims were referred from London (42 per cent), although referrals were received from all over England and Wales, demonstrating the prevalence of this problem and the need for everyone to be alert to the signs of modern slavery in their own communities.
Also revealed are the 91 different source countries for people being exploited in England and Wales. For the fourth year running the highest number of female clients who were supported by The Salvation Army were Albanian (346 women), followed by Nigerian (140 women).
However, this year for the first time the highest number of male clients who entered the service were the 101 men from Vietnam; this increased from 50 in the fifth year. Vietnam was also the second highest country of origin of victims of all genders after Albania (359 men and women). In the sixth year 82 Vietnamese women were supported, compared to 59 women in the fifth year, making a total of 183 men and women.
There were also increases in the number of people being exploited from China, India and Pakistan, and for the second year running 44 British people were supported, keeping Britain amongst the top ten nationalities of people referred for support.
The number of source countries from which clients are trafficked has more than doubled since 2011; people had been trafficked from 95 different countries in the sixth year of the contract compared to 43 in the first.
Nigeria remains a high source country; it is the third largest group supported under the contract. The 157 people supported were mainly women who have been exploited for sex or domestic servitude.
In response to this, The Salvation Army was able to add Nigeria this year to the seven anti-human trafficking projects already funded from the UK in developing countries where vulnerability to slavery is high. Known as the Community Awareness and Recovery (CAR) project, funding from the Modern Slavery Innovation Fund (administered by the Home Office) enabled The Salvation Army to undertake innovative prevention work in Nigeria (as well as in the Philippines – another high source country for traffickers to the UK - the 19th largest group referred in the sixth year of the contract). This work includes families hosting victims of modern slavery to live with them during their recovery, and the recruitment and training of volunteer “champions” to act as a point of contact in their communities, to raise awareness of trafficking and to help identify people suitable to receive support in the programme. In addition, potential or recovering victims receive support tailored to their needs, comprising skills training, livelihood support, and links to community support systems to help build self-sufficiency and in turn decrease their vulnerability to re-trafficking.
With groundwork nearly completed in both Nigeria and the Philippines, 22 referrals have already been received from victims of sexual exploitation, forced labour and domestic servitude. Through the work of the 46 volunteer “champions” trained so far The Salvation Army has already received evidence from more than 30 people in these communities attesting to changed attitudes and better understanding of the risks.
The Salvation Army’s Director of Anti Trafficking and Modern Slavery, Anne Read, said: “Year on year we are witnessing progress in the way the UK tackles this crime. We see high levels of dedication, commitment and innovation from the people who work for The Salvation Army and alongside us to provide the most effective service we can to families and individuals who deserve the very best we can give, having suffered at the hands of people who would abuse and exploit them.
“We are strongly committed to working in partnership and believe that there is more to be achieved when we combine forces and collaborate in our efforts to prevent trafficking and protect its victims.
“The Salvation Army has made a global commitment to fighting modern slavery and human trafficking and we are delighted in the UK to have made a positive contribution to this through our new projects in Nigeria, as well as the Philippines. We believe the model of community-led re-integration and support is effective, efficient and relatively easily replicated – the kind of programme we need to tackle such large-scale global crime and with potential to impact positively on the situation in the UK.
“The Salvation Army is in this fight for as long as it takes for the war to be won.”
Download the report here.