Hythe Salvation Army food bank thanks ‘amazing’ local community
published on 20 Apr 2020

Hythe Salvation Army food bank has seen a huge increase in demand for food parcels since the coronavirus lockdown began, with three times the usual number of people asking for help. But thanks to the amazing generosity of the local community, they have been able to help all those coming forward in need of food.
The food bank has received support from local people and businesses in a variety of ways. The team received seven car loads of provisions from TK Maxx in nearby Folkestone when the store closed. Their donation contained stocks of ‘luxury’ chocolates and sweets which were divided and included as special goodies in parcels distributed just before Easter. A bumper donation of food was also received from Morrisons in Folkestone as part of the store’s drive to boost charity food bank supplies throughout the country during the coronavirus pandemic.
An online fundraising appeal has been set up by Hythe Corps so that the public can continue to donate to their vital food relief work despite the lockdown. In the first weeks the appeal was running it raised a staggering £2,000.
Lieutenant Callum McKenna, The Salvation Army’s church leader in Hythe said:
“Our Foodbank has continued to serve the community every week, as it always has done, despite the current circumstances. The last few weeks have been very difficult for many but the local partnerships between charities, faith groups, businesses, organisations as well as individuals is proving to be powerful!
“Because of the lockdown and social distancing we’re operating in a different way now and to make it easier for people to continue to support us at this time, we have set up an online donation page. The response has been amazing - we raised almost a thousand pounds in the first week and now we are over £2,000.
“I’d like to say a huge thank you to the people of Hythe and surrounding areas! Every penny donated on our page goes directly to helping local people who are struggling at this time. Hythe is an incredible community at the best of times but the generosity, creativity and collaboration of our community will serve us well during this difficult period.”
To support Hythe Salvation Army, please see: www.justgiving.com/HytheSAFoodFund

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