Australian couple head up The Salvation Army’s work on the south coast
published on 2 May 2019

AN AUSTRALIAN couple are now heading up The Salvation Army’s operations across an area which includes Hampshire, Dorset, the Isle of Wight, the Channel Islands and south Wiltshire.
Major Gregory Morgan is the new divisional commander and Major Priya Morgan is the new divisional leader for leader development for the organisation’s Southern Division.
They have been in post since early February and flew in from Melbourne to take up their appointments at The Salvation Army’s divisional headquarters in Fareham.
There are 34 Salvation Army halls and churches serving communities in Southern Division – from Poole in Dorset; to Salisbury in Wiltshire; Alderney in Guernsey and Petersfield in east Hampshire.
Southern Division also has ‘Lifehouse’ centres in Portsmouth, Southampton and the Isle of Wight where it supports people and young families who are experiencing homelessness to get back into a home of their own.
In Melbourne, Gregory was head of college of the National College for The Salvation Army in Australia and Priya was an assistant training principal who was responsible for training new Salvation Army officers.
They have been Salvation Army officers for nearly 30 years.
“It is a pleasure to come over to the UK to take up our appointments as divisional leaders for Southern Division”, said Major Gregory Morgan. “During our service as Salvation Army officers, we have led churches serving the needs of communities ranging small rural ones to large, inner-city, multicultural communities. Priya and I are passionately committed to the Kingdom of God and seeing communities and individuals transformed by the love of God.”
“Coming from the hottest summer on record in Australia to an English winter has been a unique experience, but the warmth of welcome from people and the preparations made for our arrival have been wonderful. We’re looking forward to using our knowledge and expertise to support and partner with our colleagues across Southern Division to best serve our communities in the name of God.” added Major Priya Morgan.
On previous trips to the UK and Europe Gregory has developed an interest in gargoyles and Green Men carved into ancient churches and cathedrals.
Priya has family links to the area with ancestors having lived on Jersey, the Isle of Wight and Southampton and she looks forward to connecting with her family’s heritage.
Further information about The Salvation Army’s Southern Division