12:30pm - Lunch Club for Everyone
If you would like to have a home cooked meal, dessert, warm space and warm company then please come along on a Monday at 12:30pm. Cost is £5 per person. Lunch will then be followed by our CAMEO club at 1:30pm.
1:30pm - CAMEO (Come and Meet Each Other)
This is a club for people of all ages who would like to come along and socialise with others. Each afternoon has a theme which is very informative with activities such as craft, music, quizzes etc and talks from local organisations/ people. Each Monday also includes tea, coffee and light refreshments. Cost per session - £1.
3:30pm till 5pm - Messy Church for Families with children aged 4-11 (Term time only)
This activity is for families with children aged 4-11 to engage together in games, crafts, challenges, songs, bible stories and much more with plenty of fun and snacks! It will run each Thursday during term time with a cost of £1 per child.
4pm - Keep Fit Session
If you fancy working out and losing a bit of weight then this is the club for you. People of all abilities welcome to join this group. Cost per session - £1.
6:30pm - Alpha Course (Starting May 2025, Dates TBC!)
Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that explore the basics of the Christian faith. Alpha is for anyone who curious to explore the big questions of life, faith and meaning. The talks are designed to encourage conversation and explore the christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment. You can say anything you like or nothing at all. It will run over eleven weeks with key things such as Food, a short talk and a discussion where you can share your thoughts. There is no pressure and its completely FREE! For more information email: or Phone: 07467 710498
7pm - Bible Study (Fortnightly)
If you are passionate about going deeper in Gods word and knowing about who God is; then this is the activity for you. We have currently finished the Bible Course, War Room, The Greatest Showman discipleship plan, LICC Frontline material & Fruitfulness on the frontline by LICC. Our next bible study starts on Thursday 2nd May 2024 @ 7pm. For more information about bible study and the next start date please email:
Next bible study - Thursday 2nd May @ 7pm; concluding on 13th June.
7pm - Ladies Fellowship (Last Friday in month)
This group meets on the last Friday of the month with ladies of various ages and interests. The evening has an informal feel to it with plenty of laughter and various activities throughout the year that cater for everyones interests.
Please come along to these weekday activities, you are really welcome.
Get in touch
Email -
We also have a Facebook page which is regularly kept up to date: Click on the link below to find us!