Our Vision
- Fullness of life for all with Jesus
Our Mission
- To share the good news
- To serve others without discrimination
- To nurture disciples of Jesus
- To care for creation
- To seek justice and reconciliation
Where we are
56 West Street
CT14 6AZ
United Kingdom
Email address:
07469 659218

Lieutenant Hannah Stannard
Commanding Officer
51.2249085, 1.4003842
We have a Facebook page.
You can search for "The Salvation Army - Deal" or click on the link below.

Christmas is a busy time for The Salvation Army. As well as a celebration of the birth of Jesus, it is also a time of year which can be particularly challenging for many people for different reasons.
Over the Advent and Christmas season we will be playing carols in Deal High Street and Sandwich town centre. We have our advent worship services every Sunday. Our Children's Carol Service is at 10.30am on Sunday 15th December and Carols by Candlelight at 6pm on Sunday 15th December.
We are also holding a Christmas Day meal, which takes place after our Christmas Day Service at 10.30am. This meal is free and open to anyone who would otherwise be on their own at Christmas.
See below for the full details of our activities.
Sunday 1st December
10.30am - Sunday Worship - 1st Advent Sunday
Friday 6th December
6.30pm - Carols at St Mary's Church, Woodnesborough
Saturday 7th December
Our Band will be playing carols in Deal High Street from 9.30am
Sunday 8th December
10.30am - Sunday Worship - 2nd Advent Sunday
Saturday 14th December
Our Band will be playing carols in front of the Guildhall in Sandwich from 10.30am
Sunday 15th December
10.30am - Children's Carol Service led by our Sunday School
6pm - Carols by Candlelight
Friday 20th December
Our Band will be joining other churches playing carols in Stockdale Gardens (time to be confirmed)
Saturday 21st December
Our Band will be playing carols at Deal Saturday Market
Sunday 22nd December
10.30am - Sunday Worship, with Yule Log and Mince Pies - 4th Advent Sunday
Wednesday 25th December
10.30am - Christmas Day Service followed by our Christmas Day dinner.
We are also attending a number of residential homes in Deal to play carols to the residents and staff.
You can donate to Deal Salvation Army this Christmas by clicking on the link below that will enable you to donate direct to our JustGiving page.
Alternative ways of donating can be found on the information further down the main page.
10:30am Sunday Worship - our Sunday morning worship meeting starts at 10.30am (our hall is open from 10am). Our meeting lasts between 1 and 1 1/2 hours and is followed by tea, coffee and biscuits.
10.30am Sunday School - our Sunday School starts with the children being in our worship meeting and then leave for Sunday School in our lower hall.

Our Band rehearse every fortnight on a Monday, starting at 7.30pm.
You are more than welcome to pop in and listen to our rehearsal.
We hold an informal meeting every Tuesday afternoon between 2pm and 3pm.
More details, including photos, of some of the above activities can be found on our Facebook page - 'The Salvation Army - Deal'

Our Songsters (choir) rehearse every fortnight on a Tuesday evening, starting at 7.30pm.
Everyone is welcome to come and listen to our practice and join us in singing if you would like to. There is no obligation to sing with the choir on a Sunday, (although you would also be welcome to do that if you wanted to).
Our Deal Family Dinner (formally known as our 'Drop In') is now open every Wednesday from 3.30pm to 6pm.
We provide a free meal, drinks and opportunity to chat. Everyone is welcome.
We usually post each week on our Facebook page what our menu for the current week will be, so please visit our Facebook page for more details - search 'The Salvation Army - Deal'

We have a small recorder group who rehearse fortnightly on a Wednesday evening between 6pm and 7pm.
You are welcome to come and listen to the rehearsal.
If you would like to learn the recorder, or maybe try it again from when you learnt it at school, please come along.
We hold a Bible Study every Wednesday between 7pm & 8.30pm.
We are a friendly group who come together to learn more about the bible.
We don't claim to have all the answers, but seek to learn together.
Everyone is welcome, whether you know the bible very well or have never read it before.

We hold our Coffee Morning every Friday in our lower hall between 10.30am and 12.30pm.
Tea and Coffee cost only 50p and there are complementary biscuits.
Each week there may be other light snacks available for sale - e.g. toast, crumpets, sandwiches.
Everyone is welcome.

A support and advice service takes place in our lower hall on the 2nd Friday of every month between 1pm and 3pm.
We have a representative from Employment Plus who can provide advice on work and benefits.
We can also signpost people to other services.
There is no need to make an appointment, if there is something you think we might be able to help you with, just pop in for a tea, coffee and a chat.
You can find more details about Employment Plus by clicking on the button below.
You can contact the Employment Plus advisor directly at

We do not have a permanent Charity Shop in Deal. However, we hold a series of 'Pop Up' Charity Shop events at our hall in West Street.
Our 'pop up' charity shop events take place once a month on a Saturday morning between 10am and 12noon.
Our next dates are: -
- Saturday 28th September
- Saturday 26th October
- Saturday 30th November

If you wish to make a financial donation specifically to Deal Salvation Army you can do so by one of the following means:-
- Cheque - send a cheque made payable to Deal Salvation Army and either drop it through our letter box at our hall in West Street, or post to Deal Salvation Army, West Street, Deal. CT14 6AZ
- Electronically - you can pay direct from your bank using the following details.
- Sort Code - 60-01-73
- Account No - 00178123
- **Important** For any donation to reach Deal Salvation Army you will also need to add the following details into the 'Payee Ref' - DE01 11000 AAA
You can also make a donation via our own Just Giving page by using the QR Code below.
We have very limited storage space at our halls, and are therefore limited to the amount of donations we can accept.
- We are currently accepting donations of women's and children's clothes.
- We are not able to take donations of furniture or larger items.
What happens to your donations?
We operate a 3 tier system:-
- We will seek to match any donation with a person we know is currently in need of that item.
- We will put the item into our Pop Up Charity Shop, which we hold monthly.
- If we do not have someone in need of the item, or it is not suitable for the Pop Up Shop, or has not sold in the Pop Up Shop then we have it collected by a recycling company for which we receive payment.
Therefore as far as possible your donation will benefit someone directly or by enabling us to raise funds for our community work. This system has resulted in us dramatically reducing the amount of material we throw away as rubbish. This helps us to meet one of our priorities of 'caring for God's creation.'
You can use one of the Salvation Army clothing banks if your prefer.
Salvation Army clothing banks are located at the following locations: -
- Tides Leisure Centre Car Park, Victoria Park, Deal
- Car Park, Union Road, Deal
- Borrow Pits Car Park, Kingsdown Road, Deal
- Mill Hill Co-op, Beauchamp Avenue, Deal
- Guildhall Car Park, Cattlemarket, Sandwich
- Gazen Salts Car Park, Strand Street, Sandwich
- Co-operative Store, Moat Sole, Sandwich

We have a number of groups who use our hall.
- Sing for Pleasure - 2pm to 3pm (in our upper hall)
- Alcoholics Anonymous - 7pm to 9pm (in our lower hall)
- Lets go escaroit CIC - 10am to 11am - French speaking support group (in our lower hall)
- 4th Deal Rainbows & Brownies - 5pm to 6.30pm (in our lower hall)
- 7th Deal Guides - 7pm to 8.30pm (in our lower hall)
Clicking on the following buttons will take you to other Salvation Army websites etc that you might find interesting.