Chelmsford Citadel
Church and Community Centre
Faith hope and love are written large over the ministry of Chelmsford Salvation Army.
We are a community of people who are seeking to express our faith, share hope, to love God and love others.
We share together in prayer and worship and we work together for the good of the community.
Where we are
70 Baddow Road
United Kingdom
Email address:
Reception and Enquiries :
01245 490998

51.7293282, 0.4774674
Our Church
Hello and welcome!
We're glad you've found your way to our website. We know that sometimes visiting a church for the first time it can be a little daunting. We hope that we can answer some of the questions you may have about us on this page. Make sure to get in touch with us if you have any further questions.
Whether it be in person or online – we hope to welcome you soon!
Service Time: 10.00am
Where: 70 Baddow Road, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0DL
About Our Meetings
At Chelmsford Citadel, our services (or meetings as we call them) attract a wide and diverse mix of people from many different backgrounds, ages and walks of life. Our church is full of friendly, loving faces who’d love to say a big hello. We guarantee a very warm welcome!
The Sunday meeting takes place in the Main Worship Hall. On your arrival you’ll be greeted by our Welcome Team. They can help you find a seat if you wish. You’ll notice it’s a pretty easy-going environment where some people are dressed casually, and some in Salvation Army clothing. The meeting will last between 75 and 90 minutes and will contain music, prayer and a ‘short’ message.
Our worship style is aimed to suit all ages, with some traditional hymns, some traditional Salvation Army songs and some much more modern and recent worship. We like to have a mix of lively and reflective. We want our worship to be relevant.
We love noise at Chelmsford Citadel, you don’t have to whisper in our church!
Our church is for everyone, no matter what age you are or what background you come from.
Why not come and check us out, we would love to see you!
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does the meeting last?
Our meetings usually last between 75 and 90 minutes.
What do I wear to church?
Come as you are; wear whatever you are most comfortable in. It's free and we highly recommend it! Some people are dressed casually, and some in Salvation Army clothing.
What time should I get to church?
As we're quite a busy church, about 15 minutes before the meeting starts (so around 09:45) would be a great time so you can park your car, find your seats, have a chat and visit the toilets etc.
Where do I sit?
Anywhere you like! We have plenty of seating and a wonderful Welcome Team who would help you to find the seat you are most comfortable in.
Are there kid’s activities during the meetings?
Yes, we have activities most weeks that take place during our service (normally halfway through) for children up to the age of 11. Kids will be led out of the main meeting by our Young Peoples, Our Youth Cell (11-18) also leave the main meeting at the same time. Your child does not have to leave the main meeting if they do not wish to do so. There are plenty of children who stay in the main meeting.
Do I have to pay to come to church?
There is no cost to attend church. There is an offering collection during our meeting, but this is free-will. No one has to give; you are welcome to let the collection plate pass you. If you do choose to give, money can either be taken in cash form or by contactless payment.
Do you have accessible parking and seating?
There are several public car parks near to the hall, plus some spaces in the road. We do have accessible car parking spaces, but we cannot guarantee that they all be available. You can sit anywhere, however, if you are camera shy and do not wish to be part of the ‘Live’ stream please chat with someone from the welcome team who will be able to advise you on where to sit.
Our Vision:
Fullness of Life for all with Jesus
Our Mission:
To Share the good news
To Serve others without discrimination
To Nurture disciples of Jesus
To Care for creation
To Seek justice and reconciliation
Please note, we are closed on Bank Holidays. Our school holidays hours may differ slightly to our normal hours.
Our building is open from 09:15 to 12:30
10:00 to 11:30 Morning Worship
10:30 to 11:30 Sparklers (3 to 7 year olds)
10:30 to 11:30 XTB (7 to 11 year olds)
10:30 to 11:30 Youth Cell (12 to 18 year olds)
11:45 to 12:30 Coffee Fellowship
11:45 to 12:15 Singing Company Rehearsal (Junior Choir)
10:00 to 12:00 Community Cafe
10:00 to 12:00 Employment Plus
10:00 to 12:00 Carpet Bowls Club (Bi-Weekly)
20:00 to 22:00 Songster Rehearsal (Senior Choir)
10:00 to 12:00 Rising Stars - Parent and Toddler Group
13:00 to 15:00 Rising Stars - Parent and Toddler Group
17:45 to XX:XX Beavers
18:45 to XX:XX Cubs
19:30 to XX:XX Scouts
10:00 to 12:00 Community Café
12:00 to 13:00 Lunch Club
14:00 to 15:00 Home League
19:15 to 20:00 Learner Band Rehearsal
20:00 to 22:00 Senior Band Rehearsal
10:00 to 12:00 Computer Club (Biweekly)
Senior Band
The primary purpose is to Praise and Worship God through our music. Each Sunday we accompany the congregational singing at our Salvation Army Church here in Chelmsford.
We also seek to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Chelmsford by taking our music ministry onto the streets of Chelmsford.
Learner Band
Learners Band is for ALL ages. No talent required! If you have an interest in learning a brass instrument, then you are more than welcome on a Thursday evening between 7pm-8pm. Brass instruments are provided free of charge and an experienced member of the senior band with help you master the basics. There are performance opportunities at key points in the year and graduates from the programme can progress into the senior band.
Singing Company
Worship Band
Rising Stars - Parent and Toddler Group
Rising Stars Parent and Toddler Group takes place each Wednesday during school term time.
Parents/carers can choose from two sessions:
Morning 10.00am - 12.00pm
Afternoon 1.00pm - 3.00pm
Our venue is light and airy and, in addition to a large indoor play area, also features a small room for wet play, a lounge area for story time and an outside area for soft play
The group is very friendly, and a variety of toys, activities and craft are provided to encourage babies and small children to explore and learn.
The cost is £1 per family.
Sunday mornings approx. 10.30-11.15.
eXplore The Bible
All children in school years 3 - 6 are welcome. We leave Sunday worship at approx 10.30 or you can just arrive and join us then.
We spend time together in an often lively time of games, storytelling, craft and other activities exploring the Bible and how that can affect the way we live.
We encourage children to discover Jesus for themselves, to grow in their relationship with God, and to live life in a Christian way.
Youth Cell
Young people can start coming to our activities when they start high school. Our aim is to develop relationships with one another and with Jesus. Our team support a number of events including:
Youth cell-a weekly learning session about god and the bible during our worship meeting on a Sunday. We stop these sessions in the summer holidays
Friday night dinner-we meet monthly on a Friday to eat together, learn more about god and play games. This again stops in the summer holidays.
If you are interested in coming along to any of these sessions we have a watts app group in which young people and their parents/carers can join.
Please contact Della Chubb-youth leader for more details via Chelmsford Salvation Army
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
Beavers aged 6-8 meet from 17.45 – 19.00
Cubs aged 8-10½ meet from 18.45 - 20.15
Scouts aged 10½ -14 meet from 19.30 - 21.00
Chelmsford Salvation Army is home to the 17th Chelmsford (SA) Scout Group. We have Beavers, Cubs and Scouts and all meet on a Wednesday evening. We have a brilliant, experienced volunteer leadership team, but are always looking for more help. We welcome children of all genders, backgrounds, abilities, and faiths. We will try to meet the needs of those with specific needs.
We have great fun each term time week making friends, playing games and learning skills for life. We aim to give each child the opportunities to try many new activities, improve their skills, and to camp about twice a year.
Saturday 28th September 2024 - 10:00 to 12:00
Coffee morning organised by the BP sections to raise funds for the Corps Community Projects.
Tea, coffee, cake and maybe a bacon roll!
Sunday 29th September 2024
Chelmsford band and Songsters at Southend Bandstand
Sunday 6th October 2024 - 10:00 to 12:00
Harvest Celebrations Sunday
Saturday 19th October 2024
Quiz night to raise funds for Corps Community Projects
Saturday 16th November 2024 - 10:00 to 12:00
Coffee morning to raise funds for the Corps Community Projects.
Saturday 30th November 2024 - 19:00
Christmas Concert organised by our Songsters (Senior Choir) and featuring special guests
Tickets available soon...
Sunday 1st December 2024 - 10:00 to 12:00
Toy and Gift Service
Sunday 8th December 2024
Christmas Carol Service
Saturday 25th January 2025
Burns Night Social
Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th February 2025
Young Peoples Weekend
At our Community Café you will find a warm welcome for our volunteers. We are open every Monday and Thursday, 10:00 to 12:00. Join us for a filter coffee, tea and biscuits or even purchase a 'fancy' coffee for a small price.
Its a good place to share with others, play board games, knit and natter or simply chat!
Our volunteers will offer support and assistance in many different aspects from a listening ear to form filling and sign posting for further assistance.
During the winter months we offer a 'Warm Space'. This is a place where a warm soup and roll is provided and warm clothing (subject to availability).
Our local community charity shop is located at 108 Bryon Road, Springfield, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 6HJ. If you wish to contact the shop please call 01245 344850 and our shop manager, Carolyn Tween would be happy to assist you.
Opening Times:
Monday 09:30 to 16:00
Tuesday 10:00 to 16:00
Wednesday 09:30 to 13:00
Thursday 09:30 to 16:00
Friday 09.30 to 16:00
All donations are welcome during these opening times.
The Salvation Army also has a furniture donations centre located in Braintree. The contact number for this is 01376 425900.
Chelmsford Charity Shop | The Salvation Army
Fancy volunteering? - go to our volunteering page and complete the registration form and we will be in contact with you.
Monday 10:00 to 12:00
Contact Employment Plus:
Tel: 0800 652 4276 (freephone)
Email: employmentplus@salvationarmy/
Employment Plus offers FREE and CONFIDENTIAL help with:
Motivation and confidence
Help finding a job
Work experience
IT Skills
Wellbeing and Lifeskills
UC/Benefits help
Money management/dept
In Work Support
Confidence building
Help keeping a job
Performance at work
Finding a better job
Bowls Club
Chelmsford Salvation Army carpet bowls club is run every fortnight on a Monday from 10.00am until 12.00 mid day. The membership is comprised of Salvation Army members and members of the general public.
We charge £2 for the morning’s play which includes coffee & cake mid morning
Lunch Club
Come and share at 12:00 till 13:00 for our lunch club. You will be provided with a three course lunch, cost: £5.00 per person), soup, hot main meal and a dessert served by our lovely team of trained volunteers. all dietary requirements and allergies catered for.
Book in advance by telephoning our reception desk on 01245 490998 or email
Home League
Volunteering FAQ
How does The Salvation Army work with volunteers?
Chelmsford Salvation Army offers a range of activities and services within their local communities. People can get involved in all sorts of ways, through volunteering with fundraising initiatives, helping with local activities, at our charity shop and Children and Families work.
How can I apply to volunteer?
To volunteer for any of our programmes you will need to fill out an application form and get two references. To get an application form please contact us and we can arrange for an information pack to be sent to you. Once completed you will be contacted by someone for the Chelmsford Salvation Army.
What if I don’t have much time?
You can still get involved. There are lots of ways that you can support. Some of our volunteer roles are one-off opportunities, such as helping us locally at Christmas.
How long do I have to volunteer for?
There is no minimum or maximum time limit on volunteering. When you complete an application form, we will ask for an idea of when you would like to volunteer, how often and for what length of time. This is just to get an indication of interest and will be discussed further when you attend an interview.
Who can volunteer?
Anyone who is in sympathy with the aims and values of The Salvation Army can get involved in some way. We are an organisation that welcomes diversity, and we have opportunities for a wide range of ages, skills, availability, and situation
What will I get out of the volunteering experience?
Our volunteers all choose to give their time and skills, but for a variety of reasons:
· Many feel inspired by seeing the difference that supporting vulnerable people can have, by helping those who need it most
· Others see volunteering as their chance to use their skills and experience to give something back to the community
· Volunteering can also be a very social activity and a great way to meet new people
· It is also a great way to add skills and experience to your CV and improve prospects for employment
Why do I have to go through the application process?
We ask all our volunteers to fill out an application form and get two references before they can volunteer with The Salvation Army. In order to make sure that we match volunteers with the right role, we need to know about them, their interests, skills and areas that they want to work in. The best way to find this out is through an application form.
What should I do if I have trouble filling out a form?
The Salvation Army welcomes people from all backgrounds, and we want to make sure that filling out an application form is not a barrier to involvement. If you struggle to write or use a computer, we can assist and help you fill out your form.
Do I really need to get two references?
We ask all potential volunteers who are signing up for a regular volunteering role to provide two references. One of these references should be from someone who has known you in an organisational capacity, for example an employer, previous employer or a church or other group you are part of. If you don’t have recent employment or volunteering experience we will talk with you to agree how to get an appropriate reference. The application process is part of our commitment to safeguarding both the people we serve and our volunteers, and references are an important part of the process.
Do I need to have a criminal records check?
This depends on what we are asking you to do. Many of the people we work with are vulnerable and volunteers may be dealing with confidential and sensitive information or working with people unsupervised. In these cases, we need to make sure that we have proper checks in place, and that people are suitable for these roles and will ask you to complete a criminal records check. We will make it clear on the role description and when you apply if a criminal records check is needed.
These procedures are in place to protect you and the people we serve, and we appreciate your patience and cooperation with this.
Do I need any particular skills to volunteer?
For some roles there may be a particular skill or qualification required, for example for our Volunteer Drivers, who need a clean driving license. We will make it clear on the role description whether specific skills are required, and when training will be offered.
Will I receive training?
Volunteers will receive basic training and induction when they start volunteering with us. You will also receive additional training for any specialist roles you choose to volunteer for.
What will it cost me to volunteer?
Nothing! All it will cost you is your time. We do not expect our volunteers to be out of pocket, and reasonable expenses will be reimbursed if this would be a barrier to your involvement.
For more information and a application form:
Tel: 01245 490998
Live Streaming and Social Media
Live Stream
Chelmsford SA Online Worship
Premises and Rooms

Photo and Information

Photo and Information
Photo and Information
We hire our rooms out for local groups. If you are interested in hiring any of our rooms please email: or telephone 01245 490998.
We offer discounted prices for local charities, churches and SA members and/or at the discretion of our Operations Board.
Prices are available at request.
Corps History with Photos