Sunday 18th February, 11 am – ‘Lets Remember’
‘God can be trusted to keep his promise’ (Hebrews 10:23b NLT)
We begin Lent by reminding ourselves of God’s unending, unfailing faithfulness to us. We let ourselves be amazed again at how good God has been and how trustworthy God is. Only then can we begin to consider what our faithful response might look like. So let’s take this first week to remember the myriad ways God has blessed us.
Sunday 25th February, 11 am – ‘Lets make a habit of Prayer’
‘let us go right into the presence of God…’ (Hebrews 10:22 NLT)
God desires our company far more than our efforts. That’s why our faithful response starts with prayer, because prayer is the simple art of choosing to be with God. We may think of faithfulness as doing our best, working hard, accomplishing things, but those things ring hollow if there isn’t a regular, honest, intimate conversation with God happening right at the heart of our living.
Sunday 3rd March, 11 am – Self Denial Missionary Appeal Altar Service ‘Lets make a habit of Hope’
‘Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm’ (Hebrews 10:23a NLT)
The world is listening out for voices of hope in the midst of war, crisis, poverty and injustice, and we have a message of hope to tell. In our faithful response to God, we choose to be those who look for hope and who hold tight to it, that others might get hold of it too. At the close of our Self-denial Appeal, we have the chance to bring hope in a tangible way through the gifts we give.
Sunday 10th March, 11 am – Mothering Sunday ‘Lets make a habit of Kindness’
‘Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works’ (Hebrews 10:24 NLT)
On this Mothering Sunday, we give thanks for the kindness we’ve been shown in our lives – by a mother, by other care-givers, by friends and colleagues, by our church family, and of course by God. Every act of kindness has nurtured and ‘mothered’ us, and so our faithful response to God is to keep the kindness going. We ‘pay it forward’, choosing to shower kindness on those around us.
Sunday 17th March, 11 am – ‘Lets make a habit of Unity’
‘let us not neglect our meeting together … but encourage one another’ (Hebrews 10:25 NLT)
It can be hard to know what ‘unity’ means when we come up against issues that we don’t agree on. It can be hard to know how to be united when division or discord eat away at our sense of community. Part of our faithful response to God is to learn how to keep ‘meeting together’ … to keep finding one another, hearing one another, loving one another no matter what our differences may be.
Sunday 24th March, 11 am – Palm Sunday ‘Lets bring Ourselves’
‘Many in the crowds spread their garments on the road ahead of him’ (Mark 11:8 NLT)
As Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, he found himself enveloped in celebration and devotion. This crowd were keen to make their faithful response. Whether it was to calm the donkey or give Jesus the ‘red carpet’ treatment, they responded by offering their clothes. Clothes in those days were handmade, unique and precious; in laying them down, they laid down something of themselves. Our habits matter; habits of prayer, hope, kindness and unity bring great joy to God’s heart and help to build God’s kingdom, but the faithful response God loves most is when we bring our unique, precious selves.
Friday 29th March, 11 am – Good Friday Meditation ‘Come and See’
A quiet reflective act of worship around the cross.
Sunday 31st March, 11 am – Easter Sunday Celebration ‘Lets Live’
Easter is all about life – the resurrection life of Jesus filling us and overflowing from us. No matter how consistent our habits, none of us can truly live the life God invites us to without the resurrection life of Jesus renewing us deep inside. It is both our motivation and our energy, and it causes our habits of faithfulness to be shot through with joy.