The Salvation Army Bootle is a small growing intercultural, Intergenerational church that gathers in different communities across South Sefton to Love God, Love Others
WELCOME! خوش آمدید, بەخێرهاتن, أهلًا وسهلًا
እንኳን ደህና መጡ, 歡迎, Bienvenue Прошу!
Our next in person Worship Gathering is
Sunday 6th October HARVEST CELEBRATION followed by lunch 11am
Sunday 29th October - In-Person Worship Gathering at Bootle Salvation Army - 11am
10:00-11.00 Interactive Worship & Prayer on Zoom on the weeks between our Twice Monthly Gathering (phone/email for details)
Where we are
381 Stanley Road
L20 3EF
United Kingdom
Email address:
0151 9330670
Annette Booth - Major
Church Leader/Corps Officer