Maidenhead Church & Community Centre
We exist to worship God; to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ; to bring people into a relationship with Him by the power of the Holy Spirit and to reach out to the community through a caring ministry.
Where we are
East Road
United Kingdom
Email address:
01628 625914

Rob Molloy
Corps Sergeant Major

Liz Walker
Corps Secretary

John Renouf
Corps Treasurer

Eileen Davies
Recruiting Sergeant

Peter Kitney
Acting Over-60 Club Secretary

Taryn Parker
Young People's Sergeant Major

Mark Lazenbury

Madeleine Brain
Songster Leader

Kay Borsberry
Assistant Recruiting Sergeant

Gail Westwood-Payne
Prayer & Spiritual Life Development Coordinator

Major Maureen Wiffin
Pastoral Care Representative
51.520849941908, -0.72634462943039

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash
Check out this section of our webpage for details of our coming special events.

Join us for an exciting concert by Una Voce Choir
Una Voce is a vocal group of young adults who are members of The Salvation Army from across the UK & Ireland Territory.
We are delighted they will be joining Maidenhead Salvation Army to give a worship concert of music.
Tickets are £5 per adult (under 16s go free). Tickets can be obtained from, from the Hall (on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9:30am and 12:30pm or on Sunday mornings) and, if available, on the door.
You would be more than welcome to join us!
Click in the top right hand corner of the screen to reveal more worship meetings from the series.

10:30-11:45 SUNDAY CELEBRATION MEETING (except 2nd Sunday in month - see below)
Featuring songs, music, prayer, something for the children and positive, practical, encouraging teaching from the Bible
10:30-11:30 2ND SUNDAY CELEBRATION (2nd Sunday in month)
Worship in a more relaxed, lighter style, featuring songs, prayer, activities and a short, positive, practical, encouraging thought from the Bible
You can join our Worship every Sunday LIVE on our Facebook Page -
Or you can catch up later on our YouTube Channel -
11:00-12:00 SUNDAY'S KOOL (school term time, except 2nd Sunday in month)
Fun, Bible-based activities for tots to 11’s
11:45-12:30 APPROX. COFFEE & CHAT (except 2nd Sunday in month)
Join with us after worship and catch up with friends
12:00-13:30 APPROX. CHURCH LUNCH (2nd Sunday in month)
Join us for food and friendship following our 2nd Sunday Celebration
12:15-12:45 YOUNG PEOPLE'S SINGING COMPANY REHEARSAL (school term time, except 2nd Sunday in month)

You can also catch up with Captain Rob's Bible Messages via podcast. Head to for more details and to subscribe to the podcast wherever you get your podcasts or via the Battlefield Resources Facebook page - Like the page and get a notification when a new sermon drops or sign up to be sent an email - You can even listen below:

Welcome to Battle Drill, a weekday devotional from Captain Rob of The Salvation Army. Join us as we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.
There's a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.
Click on the link - - to listen, watch or subscribe to this podcast.
Or you can listen below:

Hub Community Café @ Maidenhead Salvation Army
Pop in for a coffee, cake and a chat. Open to all, you would be assured of a warm welcome!

Free hot drinks and snacks, and a takeaway hot meal for families and individuals in need
Join us as we study and discuss God's Word together in a relaxed atmosphere, via Zoom
Join our Zoom Meeting at
Meeting ID: 939 6398 8634
Passcode: 064413
Free hot drinks and snacks, and a takeaway hot meal for families and individuals in need
A warm and welcoming space for street homeless people to enjoy hot food and drink, a shower, and other facilities (in partnership with The Brett Foundation)
20:30-21:45 BAND REHEARSAL
09:30-10:00 PRAYER TIME
Join us as we pray for each other, our community and the world
10:00-17:00 CRAFT DAY (1st Saturday in month)
Join us as we enjoy several crafts. Bring your own packed lunch
Other events as advertised

(Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash)
You can join us live for Sunday Worship on YouTube each week. Head over to our channel - and Subscribe and you will be notified when we go Live on Sunday morning, shortly before 10:30am. Or head on over to the Channel on Sunday morning and the Live video should appear at the top of the Page.
If you're unable to join us in-person on Sunday morning, then we look forward to you joining us this way instead.
Worship Today – 19 January 2025
Sunday Celebration @ 10:30am
Led by Captain Rob Westwood-Payne
Followed by refreshments in the Hub
3:00-5:30pm. Divisional Youth Chorus (North) Rehearsal
Next Sunday – 26 January 2025
Sunday Celebration @ 10:30am
Led by Captain Rob Westwood-Payne
Followed by refreshments in the Hub
This Week (commencing 20 January 2025)
9:30am-12:30pm. Hub Community Café & Community Kitchen
7:30-8:30pm. Growth Group online
9:30am-12:30pm. Hub Community Café & Community Kitchen
7:00-8:15pm. Songster Practice
8:30-9:45pm. Band Practice
9:30-10:00am. Prayer Meeting in the Boiler Room and online
9:00am-5:00pm. Building Spring Clean
Coming Events
Please take note that there are events within the region and within the UK that are open to all. Please check out the noticeboard for details.
Growth Group Online.
Why not join us in the New Year? Growth Group online meets each week on Wednesday at 7:30pm via Zoom. Everyone is welcome. You don't have to have been to Growth Group online before, and you don't need to be a member of Maidenhead Salvation Army.
Meeting ID: 939 6398 8634
Passcode: 064413
Family Matters
The funeral service for Sue Phillips will take place on Saturday 8th February 2025 @ 11am, at Maidenhead Citadel Salvation Army. Please continue to uphold Greg and the family in your prayers during this difficult time.
Planned Maintenance & Volunteer Request
Over the next few weeks, planned maintenance work will begin around the building, including:
- Internal decorating
- Roof work
- Replacement of windows in the Main Hall and at the rear of the building
The creation of the new DHQ Hub in the bunker will also be part of this work.
Additionally, a separate contractor has been appointed to renovate the main toilets.
To facilitate this, we need to empty some existing storage areas and declutter other spaces to make room for items currently stored around the building.
A skip will arrive on Tuesday, 21st January, and we’re putting out a request for volunteers to help.
First session: Saturday, 25th January at 10:00 AM.
Provisional second session: Saturday, 15th February (if needed).
We’d be most grateful if you could spare a couple of hours to assist. Ideally, we aim to complete the work on 25th January.
The full plans for the new DHQ Hub going into the bunker are now available and displayed in The Hub for anyone who’d like to take a look.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Generous Discipleship.
Over the next few weeks, we will embark on a collective journey to explore and embrace Generous Discipleship. Through Sunday teachings and weekday discussions, we’ll reflect on how generosity, in all its forms, plays a vital role in our faith and mission.
On Sunday 9th February, following our corps lunch, we will hold a short Business Administration meeting. This meeting is open to all involved with the corps and will provide:
- Corps Overview: A presentation of our rolls (membership numbers), finances, and human resources, including the contributions of local officers and volunteers.
- Engagement: An open floor for questions and discussions.
- Purpose: To ensure transparency and show how these resources connect to the vision of Generous Discipleship.
Your input, engagement and prayers are invaluable as we prepare for the next steps.
Our Generous Discipleship renewal weekend will take place at some time after the Easter weekend, dates yet to be announced.
Dates for the Diary …
January 2025
19 January - 10:30am. Sunday Celebration
25 January - 9:00am-5:00pm. Building Spring Clean
26 January - 10:30am. Sunday Celebration
28 January - 7:30pm. Leadership Team Meeting
31 January - 9:00am. Pop Up Charity Shop & Coffee Morning
February 2025
1 February - 7pm. Worship Concert by Una Voce Choir
2 February - 10:30am. Sunday Celebration
9 February - 10:30am. Sunday Celebration led by Major Jo Thompson, followed by Corps Lunch
1:30pm. Business & Administration Meeting - all welcome
16 February - 10:30am. Sunday Celebration led by officers and staff from the International College for Officers
23 February - 10:30am. Sunday Celebration
28 February - 9:00am. Pop Up Charity Shop & Coffee Morning
Save the Dates
September 2026
As you may be aware, 2026 marks our 140th Anniversary, and we plan to have a number of special events throughout our anniversary year. The first one booked into our corps diary is the visit of the International Staff Songsters on Saturday 19 & Sunday 20 September 2026. Keep an eye out for further events happening in our 140th anniversary year!
Please save the dates in your diary’s – we look forward to seeing you!
Captain’s Log
Chosen and Loved: Discovering Who Jesus Is
Last Sunday, we explored the implications of Jesus' baptism and God's declaration of his identity. We looked at Isaiah 43:1-7 and Luke 3:15-22, examining how God identifies his people and how Jesus' baptism reveals his unique role and relationship with the Father. We emphasised our identity in Christ is rooted in God's love, calling, and purpose for our lives.
Key Takeaways:
- God has created us, called us by name, and we belong to him. Just as he did with Israel, God sees us as precious and loves us deeply.
- Jesus' baptism reveals his identity as God's beloved Son and sets the stage for his ministry. This event shows us the unique relationship between Jesus and the Father.
- Our identity in Christ is not based on our roles or accomplishments, but on God's love and calling for us. We are invited to embrace the identity he gives us.
As we move forward this week, I encourage you to continue to reflect on the identity God has given you. Remember, you are created, called, and deeply loved by him. Let this truth shape how you view yourself and how you interact with others.
May God's love and purpose for you be ever-present in your mind and heart.
Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast This Week:
This week on the Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast, we explore the depths of God's personal love and presence in our daily lives. Each day we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.
Sunday: Uncovering the Riches of a Generous Heart
Monday: Cultivating a Heart of Cheerful Giving
Tuesday: Avoiding Divided Loyalties in a Distracted World
Wednesday: Finding Purpose in Your Gifts and Talents
Thursday: Taking the Long View
Friday: Embracing God's Presence in Your Everyday Work
Saturday: Being Kind in a Hurting World
There's a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every day. You can pick a copy of this week’s up from Reception. Click on the link - - to listen, watch or subscribe to the podcast. You can even listen to it three times a day on Salvationist Radio!
In Christ.
Rob Westwood-Payne
Commanding Officer
Livestreaming - You can find, like and follow our new Facebook page. If you're unable to join us in-person on a Sunday morning or your family and friends want to catch up with us later in the day or week, then this is the way to go.

(Photo by Jack Sharp on Unsplash)
Territorial Prayer Network - Points for prayer from Prayer Matters.
Step Up, Stand Out
‘Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.’ (1 Timothy 4:7-8, ESV)
Lord, help us to courageously step up and stand out for you in our own settings – whether that’s the corps, a workplace, school, the community or family.
Lord, give us courage to open ourselves to your work in our lives, and be willing to undergo training so we can become the people you intend us to be.
Lord, help us to welcome your training in our lives, fostering spiritual discipline and a deep commitment to faith, so that we can live in a godly and committed way.
(Adapted from the Sermon Starter for Covenant Sunday 2025 found at
Territorial Envoy Seminar (19-24 January)
(Major Tracey Palmer, Learning and Development Officer – William Booth College)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (18-25 January)
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025 is observed in the northern hemisphere from 18–25 January – between the Church feasts of St Peter and St Paul. Jesus was known for saying some apparently outlandish things; for example, he prayed to his Father about the Church, ‘The goal is for all of them to become one heart and mind– just as you, Father, are in me and I in you … Then the world might believe that you … sent me’ (John 17:21, MSG). Will you join me in praying and working for the unity which Jesus prayed for? (Major Paul Robinson, Territorial Ecumenical Officer)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (18-25 January)
(Major Paul Robinson, Territorial Ecumenical Officer)
Congo (Brazzaville) Territory
(Lyndall Bywater, UKI Boiler Room Team)
Encounter Prayer Gathering (24-26 January)
(Major Gary Lacey, Territorial Prayer Coordinator)
Conservation Agriculture – Future
(Hayley Still, UK Engagement Coordinator - Salvation Army International Development)
Do you have a prayer request? Please email us, use the prayer request box on our reception desk in The Hub, or speak to a member of the leadership team.

Our Christian faith encourages us to do what we can to support those in need in our community:
09:30-12:30 Community Kitchen
Drop in for a free hot drink and snack and then takeaway a hot lunch, fresh fruit and drink. Available to the homeless and those in need. We are usually also able to provide a hot shower and assist with food parcels, some clothing and issue Foodshare Maidenhead vouchers.
09:30-12:30 Community Kitchen
Drop in for a free hot drink and snack and then takeaway a hot lunch, fresh fruit and drink. Available to the homeless and those in need. We are usually also able to provide a hot shower and assist with food parcels, some clothing and issue Foodshare Maidenhead vouchers.
12:30-13:00 Community Kitchen
Drop in for hot food, fresh fruit and drink. Available to the homeless and those in need.

(Photo by Aaron Doucett on Unsplash)
Most of the food we provide to people is donated by you, so your donation is vital to our work. You can donate dried and tinned goods such as cereal, soup, pasta, rice, tinned vegetables, tinned fruit, pasta sauces, tinned meat, tea, coffee, biscuits and UHT milk or non-food items such as toiletries and hygiene products at our Hall in East Road, SL6 1PJ, usually every Tuesday and Thursday between 9:30am-12:30pm. If you want to ensure we are open, please call 01628 625914.
Thank you for supporting us.

Tons of NEW CLOTHES WITH TAGS, VINTAGE, Preloved, TOYS, Games, Bric-à-brac, Books, DVDs and MORE - You can buy teas, coffee and cake

(Photo by Perry Merrity II on Unsplash)
For our monthly pop-up Charity Shop and community work, you can donate good quality clothes, shoes (paired) and accessories, sleeping bags, towels, homeware such as bric-a-brac and kitchen items, books, CDs, or toys at our Hall in East Road, SL6 1PJ, on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9:30am-12:30pm. If these times are not convenient, please call 01628 625914 to make an appointment.
Please note that due to restricted storage space we no longer accept jigsaws, linens such as curtains and fabrics, DVDs, and rugs for resale or reuse.
In addition, we are unable to accept duvets, pillows, "rags", electrical items, and furniture for resale or reuse.
Please be considerate of our neighbours by not leaving donations outside of our building when it is closed.
A collection service is available on request ONLY for those unable to travel to our building.

For recycling, we can also accept all clothing that's clean and wearable (including underwear), footwear (paired), bags, belts, hats, scarves, and gloves, towels, bed linen and blankets.
We are unable to recycle duvets, pillows, any stuffed items, curtains, rugs, toys, "rags", electrical items, and furniture.
Please place recycling in our recycling bank on our car park. This is available 24/7.

People who freely give of their time and talents to us make a huge contribution to the work we do.
In terms of community work, we have a Community Lunch that provides hot takeaway meals to the homeless and those in need that requires volunteers on Sundays (after our church worship meeting) from around 12 noon to 1:30pm.
We also run a Hub Community Cafe (open to the public) and Community Kitchen (providing hot takeaway meals to the homeless and those in need) on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with volunteers working from around 9:15am to 12:45pm.
If you are interested in either of these opportunities, then please email us at, and if we have any current vacancies we'll arrange a time for you to come in and have a chat with me.
We value diversity and encourage volunteers of all ages and abilities from all sections of the community. However, we can only accept applications from prospective volunteers who live in the UK and Ireland and have the right to work and/or volunteer in the UK and Ireland.
Unfortunately we don’t offer sponsorship for voluntary roles.

Maidenhead Salvation Army offers a great location and comprehensive facilities at surprising rates. If you're looking for a conference venue, rehearsal rooms, a concert hall or meeting room, whether for a one-off event or for a regular activity, Maidenhead Salvation Army could be just what you need. Please email for booking enquiries.
- Central Maidenhead location
- 150 Seated Auditorium
- 100 Seated Community Room
- Meeting Rooms
- Full In-House Audio-Visual facilities
- Grand Piano
- Excellent Acoustics
- Coffee Hub
Our current charges are:
- Main Hall (seats around 130 people with access to a stage/lectern, sound and multimedia equipment): £25.00 per hour.
- Community Hall (seats up to 60 people, tables available): £20.00 per hour.
- Prayer/Quiet Room (for one-on-one meetings): £15.00 per hour.
- Kitchen (counter top boiler, oven, microwave, crockery and cutlery available): £5.00 per hour (please bring own food and drink).
- Toilet facilities (included disabled toilet): Included.
As you may know, a Salvation Army Hall is primarily a church for the worship of God and as such, all activities conducted must be in accordance with Salvation Army principles and policies, in particular: no alcohol, smoking, gambling or similar activities. Please confirm your proposed hire of our premises does not include these activities.
If you would like to look round, then please let me know. I am almost always available on Tuesday and Thursday mornings between 9:30am-12:30pm but can also meet by appointment at other times.
If you wish to proceed, then the next step will be for me to draw up a Licence Agreement (a legally binding contract that protects the interests of both parties) in the name of an individual or company in respect of your group for signature prior to the event.

Monetary Donations
The Salvation Army works with some of the most vulnerable people in society. As we face the worst public health crisis in our lifetime, people on the margins need us now more than ever.
From running food banks and checking up on people who live alone, to offering counselling and supporting NHS isolation units, The Salvation Army is responding to the crisis in dozens of different ways.
Please click the button below and visit our Justgiving page. Help us support as many people as possible.