Information Sharing Protocol for Referring Agencies

(Practical Assistance)

The Information Sharing Protocol (or “ISP”) attached here applies to all circumstances where third parties (including, without limit, local authorities, housing associations, charities etc.) (“you”) provide personal data of individuals in need of our practical assistance scheme to us and it will apply to all sharing of personal data in respect of organisations where we provide Practical Assistance services for service users referred via those organisations, whether or not it is signed by you. 

This also includes situations where your social workers and personnel provide details of their clients to us to obtain the practical assistance. 

IMPORTANT NOTE – if you are an individual [e.g. social worker or caseworker] who receives this ISP, please provide it to someone in your organisation who has authority to sign it below and then return to us, as this ISP will apply to our provision of practical assistance to your service users. 



